Sunday, June 29, 2008

California Day 1: The drive down

Today was the first day of my month long California road trip. I'm officially on my way to being an honorary Californian! Unfortunately, Day 1 consisted primarily of one thing: driving. I made it all the way to San Jose unscathed, despite dodging bullets from Tacoma and Olympia. However, there was something I couldn't evade: the Washington Clark County Police Department. Despite all the warnings I received about speeding tickets, I was nailed with one just a few miles before hitting the Oregon border. I should have got a clue from seeing numerous people being pulled over earlier, but it seems that it was that time of month and everyone was getting one. My citation? 5 MPH over. I was going a little over that, but needless to say, this put a damper on my trip. I decided to take out my frustration (which really only lasted 30 seconds) by running my car into as many bugs as I could.

Seriously though, it was disappointing to receive the citation, but there's a first for everything. The drive was long but went by fast. There were a few fun, curvy mountain roads through Mt. Shasta, but the majority of the drive was straight with not much to see. The lone vista point, shown below, had a view of...nothing.

My car and I are safe and happy. Hope all is well back home!

Interesting Facts:

Red Bulls drank: 1
Water: 3+
Gas mileage: 34.03 mpg and 35.14 mpg
Gas prices: 4.39 (Eugene, OR), 4.68 (Redding, CA) for Premium
# of cops spotted: Washington: 15+ (all but 1 pulled over someone), Oregon: 1, California: 1
# of rest stops used: 2
Highest temperature: 98 degrees, northern California
# of bugs decimated: enough
Amount spent today: $85 (gas and food) + $90 (speeding ticket...)


REV0R said...

That sucks about the ticket! But hey, you're in Cali which means you'll have to be doing 100mph to get pulled over now so at least you've got that going for you. Meeting up in SoCal is going to be a blast...

仙姑白白 said...

I am jealous of YOU! Keep updating your blog, I will check it every day. Enjoy your trip in California, and well, Taiwan soon.
: )

ECL said...

John! You are a mass murderer killing all those bugs! Looks fun, look forward to seeing more updates!